Some Favorite Places:

Port Anson

Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Port Anson, NL
Grand Codroy RV Park, Codroy Valley, NL

Port Anson and Miles Cove are the two communities on Sunday Cove Island. The island is joined to Newfoundland by a causeway. Route 381 runs from Robert’s Arm to Port Anson and Miles Cove.

Port Anson is a pretty town with some services, including a gas station and a convenience store. When you cross the causeway, you will see a mussel farm. There are several mussel farms in the Triton area.

You can find more information about Port Anson on Green Bay Feed.

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Port Anson