Jackson’s Cove is just off Route 391 between King’s Point and Harry’s Harbour on Green Bay. Jackson’s Cove is across the bay from Burlington and the Baie Verte Peninsula.
The town has a pretty white wooden church and a government wharf. Continue on the side road toward’s Langdon Cove and you’ll see the sign for the Ocean View Hiking Trail.
The trail is 5 km and relatively easy. There was one spot where we had to get past a fallen tree. About half the trail goes through the bush and the balance of the trail follows along Green Bay. From the viewing platforms you can see Middle Arm, Burlington and Smith’s Harbour across the bay.
The highlight of the trail is a sea arch that you can see from the final viewing platform. You actually walk past the sea arch on the way to that platform. We also watched a bald eagle. As the sign says, it’s quite possible to see whales and icebergs, depending on the time of year.
If you are hiking in the summer months, take some bug spray. Linda uses Vick’s and finds that works well. The day we went, the nippers (mosquitoes) were bad. Once we got out towards Green Bay, the bugs were not a problem.