Some Favorite Places:

Phillips Head

World War II Gun Battery | Phillips Head, NL
World War II Gun Battery | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NLPhillips Head Battery, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NLd Battery, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Bunker | Phillips Head, NL
Gun Mount | Phillips Head, NL
Gun Mount | Phillips Head, NL
Grand Codroy RV Park, Codroy Valley, NL
Grand Codroy RV Park, Codroy Valley, NL

Phillips Head  is a very small community on the Bay of Exploits. From the Trans Canada  take Hwy 350 north. Just past Northern Arm you will follow Hwy 352 to the right, following the shore.

During WW2 a military installation was built to protect the community of Botwood. Hundreds of service men and women were stationed here, protecting the deep water shipping terminus. Botwood also served as a  transatlantic seaplane air service base. Nazi submarines patrolled the  Newfoundland shoreline in search of targets targets.

The gun battery is extensive, comparable to ones Linda has seen on the Belgian coast. The guns that were here were quite large as evidenced by the mounting rings.

Whether you have an avid interest in history or not, this is a fascinating place to check out.

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Phillips Head