Some Favorite Places:


Calvert, Avalon Peninsula, NL
Calvert, Avalon Peninsula, NL
Calvert, Avalon Peninsula, NL
Calvert, Avalon Peninsula, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Calvert, Irish Loop, NL
Tara House Advertisement | Ferryland, NL
Tara House Advertisement | Ferryland, NL

Calvert is on Hwy 10, south of Cape Broyle. It is only a few kilometers north of Ferryland.

The original community dates back roughly 400 years. The economy was originally based on the inshore fishery, supplemented with some farming and sawmill work.

Newfoundlands and their music cannot be separated! On the news there was a story about a flight delay that turned into a Newfoundland kitchen party! The instigators were from Calvert! Check out their website and media coverage at Sullivan’s Songhouse. 


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