Some Favorite Places:


Cappahayden, Irish Loop, NL
Cappahayden, Irish Loop, NL
Cappahayden, Irish Loop, NL
Cappahayden, Irish Loop, NL
SS Florizel Monument, Cappahayden, NL
SS Florizel Monument, Cappahayden, NL
East Coast Trail, Cappahayden, Avalon Peninsula, NL
East Coast Trail, Cappahayden, Avalon Peninsula, NL
East Coast Trail, Cappahayden, Avalon Peninsula, NL
East Coast Trail, Cappahayden, Avalon Peninsula, NL
Tara House Advertisement | Ferryland, NL
Tara House Advertisement | Ferryland, NL

In the mid 1960’s the fishing villages of Renews and Cappahayden were amalgamated. The proper name is Renews-Cappahayden.

Renews is on Hwy 10 as you continue to head south along the east coast of the Avalon Peninsula. It is nearly 100 km from St. John’s. It is 20 km south of Ferryland. The original village of Cappahayden is about 8 km further south.

There is a monument to the sinking of the SS Florizel here at the waters edge. They have a remnant of the ship itself. To learn a bit more go to the Renews page.

The East Coast Hiking Trail is easily accessed in this area.  A very enterprising taxi company has signs posted all over the place offering rides to and from the trail sections.



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